Ian, is currently involved in a number of social and educational projects, such as these below.
University of Melbourne
University of Melbourne
University of Melbourne Ian Cunliffe is a member of the Advisory Board to Melbourne University’s Centre for Comparative Constitutional Law
Estate Computers Inc
Estate Computers
Estate Computers Inc Estate computers is a social enterprise which provides the residents of Carlton Housing Estate and the surrounding public housing estates in Melbourne and some rural housing estates with refurbished, recent model computers loaded with genuine Microsoft Windows 10 and Office software. Estate Computers aims to improve access to and training in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the residents of these estates in Carlton. and elsewhere
Carlton Legal Service
Carlton Legal Service.
Carlton Legal Service The CLS has operated for more than a decade, without any external legal funding, and operating entirely pro bono. We help whoever comes in. We have won a number of awards for our work, including a Premier's Award, presented by the Victorian Governor. Over the years, we have acted in thousands of legal cases.